I Plotz for Pluots
By The Organic Foodster
Ok, I hope I'm using the yiddish word "plotz" correctly. But pluots (pronounced "plu" like blue + "ots" like the end of apricots) are seriously soooo much better than plums and apricots, and for that matter, they are now in season!
What?! You’ve never heard of pluots? You’re in for a delicious surprise! A pluot is a hybrid stone fruit that is 75% Japanese plum and 25% apricot. This cross was developed in Modesto, California in the late 80's by Floyd Zaiger using hand pollination (non-GMO). Pluots look like plums with smooth skin, and have a similar shape and texture. But pluots taste much sweeter, and they also lack the watery, bitter taste you sometimes get with plums. Nutritionally, they’re very rich in vitamin C and Potassium. And the best place to get certified organic pluots? Ojai of course! Because it is uniquely situated, Ojai is an organic fruit tree grower's paradise. Many of the citrus farms in and around Ojai also grow pluots in season.
There are more than 20 vibrantly colorful pluot varieties, ranging from black to green (and YES - green pluots are ripe), to red to yellow. Most of them also bear interesting names:
Dapple Dandy,
Dinosaur Egg
Flavor Grenade and
Emerald Beauty.
How can you not be wanting to try these?
They are also semi-freestone fruits, which means they have a pit, but the flesh comes away from it fairly easily. Pluots are fantastic eaten fresh out of hand, made into smoothies and cooked into pies, crisps, cobblers, tarts and cakes.
Pluots come in a variety of colors, all of which are mouth-watering.
I recommend you select pluots just as you would a plum. Look for fragrant-smelling fruit that’s firm but gives to the touch, and is free from blemishes. Pluots come in a variety of colors — choose the most vibrant looking fruits among each variety, as those will be the sweetest. Stay away from pluots that feel especially hard, they won’t ripen well. Store ripe pluots on the counter for up to 3 days or in the refrigerator for up to a week. Oh, and buy twice as many as you think you need - because they’ll disappear from the counter before you can say “plotz” again!
Fancy making some plum sake? Why not try a pluot version instead?
Pluot Recipes
Pluot Sake
-1 cup of chopped pluots
-1/2 cup high quality sake
-1/2 cup sugar
Soak pluots overnight in 1/2 cup of Sake mixed with 1/2 cup of sugar. If you want it more macerated, put in a blender or food processor. This soaked mixture can also be frozen and made into a sorbet.
Pluot Caprese
Slice pluots and layer with sliced burrata mozzarella and basil or mint
Drizzle with olive oil (my favorite flavor is Lemon, from the Ojai Olive Oil Company) and salt and pepper to taste.
Open Sundays Rain or Shine from 9-1pm
Ojai Olive Oil - for my favorite flavored oils and vinegars
for farm fresh pluots and other seasonal produce
Small group Art and Food retreats for artists and non-artists alike
Ojai, CA September 25-27, 2021