I love to spend time up in the mountains and in Owens Valley, where the views of the Eastern Sierra Nevada mountains and the valley are splendid and just begging to be painted and sketched. The weather is milder in the valley and you get these sweeping vistas that never disappoint, no matter the season! Here are some of my photos taken of my trips, and the artwork they inspired. Most of the paintings and sketches here were painted en plein air - that means they were painted outside in the open air. Most plein air artists define their works as plein air when they were 70-100% executed on site, with the subject of the painting right in front of them. Sometimes completion - finishing details, color correction - in the studio is necessary. People, time, weather - can all get in the way of finishing a painting on site. However much time you have, it’s still good to get outside and sketch, because sketches can inform and inspire your studio work as well. Either way you paint it, the scenery of the Eastern Sierra is breathtaking and I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my adventures!