Capturing the Mountains: Plein Air Painting in the Eastern Sierra

Setting up and painting the range from the trail just behind the Eastern California Museum in Independence. December and just a light dusting of snow was on the peaks.

by Anne Kupillas.

“Winter in the Sierra” 6x10” Watercolor on Arches Cold Pressed Block

I love to spend time up in the mountains and in Owens Valley, where the views of the Eastern Sierra Nevada mountains and the valley are splendid and just begging to be painted and sketched. The weather is milder in the valley and you get these sweeping vistas that never disappoint, no matter the season! Here are some of my photos taken of my trips, and the artwork they inspired. Most of the paintings and sketches here were painted en plein air - that means they were painted outside in the open air. Most plein air artists define their works as plein air when they were 70-100% executed on site, with the subject of the painting right in front of them. Sometimes completion - finishing details, color correction - in the studio is necessary. People, time, weather - can all get in the way of finishing a painting on site. However much time you have, it’s still good to get outside and sketch, because sketches can inform and inspire your studio work as well. Either way you paint it, the scenery of the Eastern Sierra is breathtaking and I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my adventures!

My typical set up, this January at the Big Pine rest stop on 395, just outside of Big Pine. The mountains had just gotten another bunch of precipitation aka snow.

“Snowy Peak” Watercolor on Arches 7 x10”

“Cold Day in Inyo looking West, by Big Pine Rest Stop,” 7 x 10” Watercolor on Arches Cold Pressed Sheet.

Me with my finished painting, painted at the Eastern Sierra Visitor Center in Lone Pine, and looking across the Owens Valley to the Inyo Mountains. In the photo, you can also see across to the Panamint Range towards the south. Visitor Centers often are a great place to stop and paint.

“Sierra, looking East, by Lone Pine Visitor's Center, ” 10x14” Watercolor on Arches Cold Pressed Block.

Looking North from Independence towards Bishop. The clouds were putting on a show!

“Big Sky, Inyo” 8x10 ” Watercolor Sketch on Arches Cold Pressed Paper. Sketches are important, too -they can be studies for a more finished or larger work. And they can also be wonderful memories of time spent being creative in nature. I met a nice local walking his dog while sketching this scene.

Views of the herd of cattle from 395, in Lone Pine.

“Cattle, Inyo,” approx. 5.5 x9.5 ” Watercolor on Arches Cold Pressed Block.

Detail, “Cattle, Inyo”


Views from the Golf Course across to the White Mountains

“Snowy White Mountains from the road / golf course, Bishop”

Rabbit Brush, which causes a lot of allergies, but only gives me joy.

Watercolor Sketch

Another trail day, but this time I chose to focus on the vegetation and misty base of the mountains.

“On the Trail,” 7x10” Watercolor on Arches Cold Pressed Block.

“How Past is the Past? Manzanar” Manzanar National Historical Site, one of ten concentration camps for Japanese Americans from 1942-45.

Main Street in Lone Pine. The old buildings and pioneer style of architecture are fascinating and an interesting change of pace from Southern California mission style architecture I usually am painting.

“Main Street, Bishop,” Watercolor with Viviva Colorsheets on Arches paper, 5x7.”

Minarets, Mammoth Lakes at sunset

“Minarets,” Watercolor Sketch on Arches Paper, 7x10” - this one was done in studio.

This particular photo, with a rider leading two horses and the rocks and sagebrush, has inspired so many paintings.

“Indy Rider,” Watercolor on Arches Cold Pressed Block, 8x8”.

“Trail,” 6 x 10” Watercolor on Arches Cold Pressed Block.

I pass this old abandoned building on each trip and always want to paint it, as well as learn what it is! I found out it’s an abandoned glass factory from the 1960s. Inspiration can come at any time, and from all different subjects.


Thinking of booking a mountain art break?

The Eastern Sierra Art Retreat is open for registration now!

Check it out here

 Eat Paint Live

If you’re interested in drawing and sketching on location with a group of great artists, then I hope you’ll check out the art retreats I’ve planned at  I host same-day workshops and art retreats with small groups (no more than 9) in stunning locations.  


Catalina Island Art Retreat - 2023, a video journal


How to Approach a Scene En Plein Air